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    Jersey Tempered Glass supplies glass for use in
    Architectural, Commercial, Residential and
    Industrial markets.

    Beveled Glass

    All heat treated products are done on our state of the art horizontal oven with a maximum size of 58" x 110" Available glass type:
    • Annealed
    • Tempered
    • Insulated
    Available glass thickness: Flat Polish from 4″ x 4″ on all thicknesses    
    Available finishes:
    • Clear
    • Low-Iron/Starphire (high light transmission)
    • Acid-ached (Matte-finish)
    • Tinted: Grey/Bronze
    • Interior: Yes - decorative applications
    • Exterior: Yes- decorative applications
    Cutting and Finishing:
    • Special shapes: Yes
    • Treatment, drilling, notches: Yes

    We offer a variety of frameless glass products. The beveled edges are created by cutting and polishing the glass edges to a precise angle and size in order to achieve aesthetic excellence. But the bevel has a very useful practical purpose — if a sharp edge is nice and leveled off as a slope, you’re not going to get cut. You can use beveled glass in decorative windows, doors (as a window insert), tabletops, cabinet doors, or as a purely decorative wall hanging pieces or artwork. Some homeowners also use beveled pieces in ornate leaded glass windows. Along with translucent (clear) glass, you can also choose a beveled style for mirrors.

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        Contact us

        Please fill out the form below to request a quote or place an order

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        How do the edges of the glass come?

        All tempered glass comes with seamed edges , unless otherwise stated. Annealed glass does not have any edge work done to it, unless requested.

        Do you ship?

        Yes, we can ship UPS for an added cost. The largest we can ship UPS is 24" x 36".

        We also can ship via freight carriers. This is at an additional cost that is calculated when an order is completed and crated. Then the cost will be added to the order.

        Can you purchase glass from us if you are not a company?

        Yes, we sell to individuals and companies alike.

        What are your lead times?

        Our lead times vary depending on the job. It depends on demand, supplies and job size. Our lead times are our expected completion of job and do not incuded shipping time.

        How can I get pricing for my job?

        You can send us a request for a quote one of two ways. You can fax us a quote request at 856-273-1999 or via email at

        What are the smallest and largest size of glass you can temper?

        Largest is 59" wide by 120" long.
        Smallest 5" x 5".
        However, trhe smallest size we can polish is 4.5"x4.5"

        What thickness of glass do you temper?

        We can temper any glass 1/8" or thicker up to 1/2". We carry 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 1/4, 3/8 & 1/2 inches.

        Can I have my own glass tempered?

        Yes, we temper customer's specialty glass as well, as long as it is at least 1/8" or thicker up to 1/2" and is no larger than 59"x120".

        What are you pick up times for customer's?

        Our pick up department is available Monday to Thursday 7:00 am to 2:30 pm and on Friday 7:00 am to 1:30 pm.

        Do you install or feld measure?

        We currently do not install or feild measure a job.

        Beveled Glass for Sale with First-Class Customer Service

        Are you searching for a classy, decorative finish to frameless glass products? We have the answer. At Jersey Tempered Glass (JTG) we offer bevelled edges to all our frameless glass. From custom cut, clear glass to mirrors, we have you covered. Read on to find information on what a beveled edge is and how it can be used.

        Custom Beveled Glass for All Your Needs and Requirements

        Cut to the exact size that you require, our custom beveled glass is the perfect choice for decorative and leaded windows and doors, tabletops, glass cabinet doors, or even mirrors. Many settings around the home benefit from beveled edges, for safety and aesthetics.

        There is a practical, safety reason for using beveled glass too. If a sharp edge to a sheet of glass is cut perfectly to an angle, there is no danger of being cut by the glass you use in your home setting. The beauty of such a precise angle and polishing will make your beveled glass panel stand out and be admired.

        Beveled Glass Prices That Will Not Break the Bank

        Here at JTG, we manufacture the glass as well as supply it commercially at point of sale to our customers. This means often a faster turnaround than separate manufacturer and supplier combinations. It also helps us to keep the cost and price low for you. 

        We deliver across the nation and are a major company within this industry. Our beveled glass prices are kept low so you can realize your home improvement dreams. The stylish cutting and polishing of the edges of our glass produces an elegant, beautiful finish to our frameless glass products. These panels can be used as tabletops, or as inserts in internal and external doors, cabinet doors, and mirrors. You can even use beveled glass in ornate leaded glass windows and features.

        Buy Beveled Glass Direct from Us and Know We Have You Covered

        We have beveled glass for sale that will suit any purpose you can think of. We also have superb customer service and we are a company you can trust. We offer clear beveled glass (translucent) as well as mirrored glass with beveled edges. It is a versatile product that fits into any authentic, retro setting as well as being contemporary. It is a timeless design.

        The aesthetic elegance achieved by cutting and polishing our glass to an exact angle is second to none. You can even create a completely decorative wall hanging with our beveled glass prices being so appealing. Custom beveled glass means you can choose any size that fits your needs. 


        JTG’s cut beveled glass comes with our low prices and top-rated customer service included. With nationwide delivery, we are the perfect choice. The cost of beveled glass is kept low as we both manufacture and supply it. Our custom beveled glass can be used in a multitude of settings around the home including a mirrored finish. We produce the best beveled glass for sale. Buy online today by asking us for a quote.
